Author: Kathryn

Screens, The Brain… And The Child

Have you ever stopped and wondered how we have gotten to the point where video is as important as other forms of media when it comes to teaching? The combination has long been a part of classrooms but there has never been a tighter integration as today. Still, not all information presented on the screen

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Ways to Reduce Waste

One way to reduce waste is to: Reuse. It is as simple as that. You don't need to buy bottles of water when you can buy a bottle and refill it with water. When you combine that with a home sink side filter you save a lot of money each year. But there are other

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More on Waste Reduction

Today, I'm going to talk about producing less waste: Reducing, in other words. I think that while recycling is one of the simplest points to understand, reducing is just as simple and it is easier (consuming is effort) to implement. Everything we own and consume is potentially a waste source, to have less waste, just

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The Real Winner

Who is the winner? What type of mentality do they possess when presented with a problem? Are they positive or negative? In our culture we see the person who is loud, the one who demands attention for their achievements as the winner. But are they? The real winner is someone who: thinks about the solutions

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Reserved Does Not Equal Shy

I'm going to use myself as an example for today's entry. I am a reserved person not a shy person so in middle school or even in elementary I did not speak unless spoken too. I spoke little with my fellow students, not because I was afraid of them, but because I didn't not feel

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Waste Reduction

Like everyone else, I produce waste. My home (me, husband, children, our cat and dog) fills a 32-gallon trash can in about a week. This is in the average about 520 pounds of garbage per year per capita (or 2080 lb for my family). This also happens to be the average amount of garbage produced

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Sorting Out My Makeup

I'm always wearing makeup. Since I turned fifteen and got the official allowance to start wearing it I have. There have been many phases to my makeup. When I am underway there is always a small kit in my purse. The kit is filled with various and varied makeup. Anyone that applies makeup on a

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How To Be Well Organized

Preparing for a new school year can seem like a lot of work. And in truth it is. There are so many things to pay attention to that staying focused can feel daunting. But organization is the key to success. Here are some tips that can help you stay on course. Write nicely and make

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The Miracle of Music

Have you ever noticed that music can change our mood? Music can change the way we feel almost instantly, through vibration and it can stimulate the whole brain because the melody addresses the right hemisphere while the lyrics, are processed by the left unconsciously. This is one reason why music is such an important part

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Pumpkins And Turkeys

Yesterday, we like many families celebrated Thanksgiving with friends and family close to our hearts, we enjoyed the time together, (as usual ate more than intended). Today the younger ones among us are going to see what deals they can find at the various Black Friday sails. I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!

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