Category: Development

The Need for A Change

We live like everyone else. Well, almost, everyone is different. But for all intensive purposes the statement is true. For example: We eat what comes our way since I never sat down and planned menus too far in advance. For myself, I always let myself be carried by the flow. And then, one day, without

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Screens, The Brain… And The Child

Have you ever stopped and wondered how we have gotten to the point where video is as important as other forms of media when it comes to teaching? The combination has long been a part of classrooms but there has never been a tighter integration as today. Still, not all information presented on the screen

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The Real Winner

Who is the winner? What type of mentality do they possess when presented with a problem? Are they positive or negative? In our culture we see the person who is loud, the one who demands attention for their achievements as the winner. But are they? The real winner is someone who: thinks about the solutions

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Reserved Does Not Equal Shy

I'm going to use myself as an example for today's entry. I am a reserved person not a shy person so in middle school or even in elementary I did not speak unless spoken too. I spoke little with my fellow students, not because I was afraid of them, but because I didn't not feel

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