Category: Recycling

The Need for A Change

We live like everyone else. Well, almost, everyone is different. But for all intensive purposes the statement is true. For example: We eat what comes our way since I never sat down and planned menus too far in advance. For myself, I always let myself be carried by the flow. And then, one day, without

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The Idea of Clean Reusable Bags

Reusable bags are an environmentally friendly way to preserve nature and slow down our pollution production rate. Plastic pollution is correlated with the low cost of plastic, which leads to massive and disposable use of plastic in many forms. By using reusable bags we can reduce the use of plastic bags that take anywhere between

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Composting for Waste Reduction

Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as fertilizer for soil amendment. While it may not fit with your lifestyle or mine, compost is a key ingredient in organic farming. I will explain more about the composting methodology in a moment, but did not want to scare you with the scientific aspect

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Sorting My Media Library

We are a big fan of books and movies (mostly DVD but our Blu-ray collection is not small). We've been accumulating a lot of them over the years, so I had to invest in two cabinets to put everything away. When we moved, we decided to sort through our books, CDs, DVDs and children's video

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A Ton Of Biowaste

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has defined federal food waste as uneaten food and waste from food preparation by establishments such as grocery stores, restaurants, stalls, canteens and institutional cafeterias. Each state remains free to define food waste differently, but many have chosen not to. The amount of biowaste (bio-degradable waste) produce in this country

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Ways to Reduce Waste

One way to reduce waste is to: Reuse. It is as simple as that. You don't need to buy bottles of water when you can buy a bottle and refill it with water. When you combine that with a home sink side filter you save a lot of money each year. But there are other

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More on Waste Reduction

Today, I'm going to talk about producing less waste: Reducing, in other words. I think that while recycling is one of the simplest points to understand, reducing is just as simple and it is easier (consuming is effort) to implement. Everything we own and consume is potentially a waste source, to have less waste, just

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Waste Reduction

Like everyone else, I produce waste. My home (me, husband, children, our cat and dog) fills a 32-gallon trash can in about a week. This is in the average about 520 pounds of garbage per year per capita (or 2080 lb for my family). This also happens to be the average amount of garbage produced

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What do you think of the Bring Your Own Bag movement? Movement. I honestly don't know if I would call it that. But providing your own bag has some benefits. Not just for the environment but for your own health. We wanted to remove the plastic bags from our home and help protect the environment

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The Problem with Old Glasses

I'm short-sighted. And I have astigmatism. Astigmatism is a type of refractive error in which the eye does not focus light evenly on the retina. WHile in the process of sorting out my closet, I found an old pair of glasses that I have not worn for nearly ten years. Not at all in my

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